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      澳門風景—全藝社四周年作品展 Macau Scenery - AFA 4th Anniversary Exhibition
      開幕 / Opening: 16:00, 2012.03.03
      策展人 / Curator: 朱焯信( James Chu )
      藝術家: 柏樹, 君士坦丁, 朱焯信, 戴永寧, 李英維, 鄒志全, 百強, 彭韞, 黎鷹, 若瑟•狄莫, 唐重, 黃家龍, 王禎寶, 黎小杰.
      Artists: Chao Chi Chun, Coke Wong, Fortes Pakeong Sequeira, James Chu, José Drummond, James Wong, Konstantin Bessmertny, Lai Sio Kit, Lai Ieng, Nick Tai, Pasu, Peng Yun, Sylviye Lei, Tong Chong.
      Macau Scenery - AFA 4th Anniversary Exhibition is an annual activity as well as a conclusion of the whole year achievement of AFA, embracing three generations of Macau artists. By the post-colonial context of Macau, the artworks will extremely reflect the Eastern and Western culture. The artists of this exhibition include José Drummond who is an artist from Portugal and based in Macau for more than 15 years, Konstantin Bessmertny who has just held his solo exhibition in Beijing AFA, Mr. James Wong who is a well-known printmaking artist and the President of the Macau Printmaking Institute, Lai Ieng who is the senior watercolor artist in Macau. Additionally, the exhibition will showcase several talented works from young rising stars who are born in 1980’s, they are Lai Sio Kit, Peng Yun, Pasu (Ao Ka Lon), Sylviye, Lei Ieng Wai . The artworks from Tong Chong, Nick Tai and the cross-border super star Fortes Pakeong Sequeira, who are the 1970’s Art backbones of Macau, will also be showcased in this art fusion.
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